Royal Holloway Eyewitness Group

About The Lab

We are a research group led by Prof Amina Memon (Psychology).  Our main interest is in studying the conditions under which the memory of an eyewitness is most reliable at the time it is elicited and in court. Lab members are interested in investigative interviewing, eyewitness recall in virtual reality, face recognition, memory for traumatic events, cognitive bias deception detection and juror decision making. Some of us have a background in experimental cognitive and social psychology and others work in applied contexts as in clinical work and advocacy.

Recent projects include our study of single vs repeated traumas in adults with post-traumatic stress disorder and vulnerability in interviews conducted in asylum contexts. Current projects include enhancing eyewitness recall using virtual reality, beliefs about verbal and on-verbal indicators of deceit and live vs video-mediated communications on credibility in legal settings.